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Monday, September 13, 2010

My first entry!

.......Acquiring data…….. accessing personality…….. downloading intelligence………. Progress 70%....... Decrypting character……. 100% awesome detected……..

Progress 100%......Initiating blog…….

Welcome! Heck before welcoming the reader(s), I'm welcoming myself! Welcome and congratulations for your first entry in your blog. Hopefully one of the many more to come. You know, for me, starting a blog was like starting a book, I always want to read it, but I just never got that kick to start with the first page. I've been telling myself that I wanted to start the blog for so long, but never had that kick to click three buttons that would get me started. But I'm here now and there is no turning back. Am I going to introduce myself? Ummm... No. Any rules here? Not really. Will I be sharing this with anyone? Up until  now no. I'm going to let go of somethings I've been keeping for a few days (before someone gets hurt) THEN maybe I'll link this empty blog!

It's quite late now so, here's to a wonderful begining to an awesome blog that's mine! (NO MORE SHARING!!) And to the person that got me starting this, Cheers Light.... I owe you one.

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